今天我们要学的词是 accidental. Accidental 意外的,偶然的。The fire that destroyed the building was ruled accidental. 让整个大楼付之一炬的大火调查证明是一起意外事件。给孩子吃药一定要注意剂量。Accidental overdoses send more than 70,000 kids to the emergency room each year in the U.S. 在美国,每年都有七万个孩子因为不小心服药过量被送去急诊。瑞士科学家证实,Former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had high levels of lethal radioactive polonium in his body that could not have been accidental. 巴勒斯坦前领导人阿拉法特体内有致命含量的放射性钋,不可能是意外摄入的。好的,今天我们学习的词是 accidental, accidental, accidental….