Category: 双语新闻 (Bilingual News)

2019-06-12 俄政府解除对调查记者的软禁 Russia Frees Journalist From Detention

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev says investigative journalist Ivan Golunov has been freed from house arrest and authorities are now conducting an internal probe into his detention.俄罗斯联邦内务部长弗拉基米尔·克罗克特斯夫(Vladimir Kolokoltsev)表示,调查记者伊万·戈卢诺夫(Ivan Golunov)已被解除软禁,当局正在对他被拘禁一事进行内部调查。 In…

2019-04-04 特朗普签署总统备忘录打击网络售假 Trump Administration Looks to Eradicate Online Sales of Fake Products

A memorandum was signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday to combat the sale of bogus products through online platforms such as Alibaba, Amazon and eBay.美国总统特朗普星期三签署备忘录,试图打击通过阿里巴巴、亚马逊、eBay等网络平台出售假货的行为。 “This president has…