Category: 双语新闻 (Bilingual News)

2019-03-18 纽约州联邦参议员陆天娜正式宣布角逐2020总统大选 Gillibrand Launches Bid For 2020 Presidential Race

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has launched her campaign to win the Democratic Party nomination to oppose President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.来自纽约州的联邦参议员陆天娜(Kirsten Gillibrand,克尔斯滕·吉利布兰德,中文名陆天娜)已经展开了竞选活动,力图在2020年大选中赢得民主党提名挑战川普总统。 She formally launched…

2019-03-18 白宫:特朗普与新西兰枪手无任何牵连 White House Rejects Any Trump Link to Accused New Zealand Shooter

The White House on Sunday rejected any attempt to link President Donald Trump to the white supremacist accused of gunning down 50 people at two New Zealand mosques.美国白宫周日否认川普总统跟新西兰两座清真寺枪击事件的白人至上主义枪手有任何牵连,这两次枪击事件导致50人死亡。 “The president…

2019-03-12 埃塞俄比亚航空公司航班坠毁造成157人罹难 Ethiopian Airline Flight Crashes, Killing 157

An Ethiopian Airlines flight from Addis Ababa crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday morning, killing all 157 people onboard.埃塞俄比亚航空公司一架航班周日上午从首都亚的斯亚贝巴起飞后不久坠毁,机上157人全部罹难。 The state-run Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporation said the flight that went down near…

2019-03-07 川普:如朝鲜重建发射场他会“很失望” Trump ‘Very Disappointed’ if N. Korea Is Rebuilding Missile Site

U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would be “very disappointed” if reports that North Korea was rebuilding a rocket launch site were true.美国总统川普星期三说,如果有关朝鲜重建火箭发射场的报道属实,他会“非常失望”。 “I would be very disappointed…

2019-03-06 特朗普抨击民主党议员的新调查 Trump Assails New Democratic Investigation

U.S. President Donald Trump assailed Democratic lawmakers Tuesday for opening a wide-ranging investigation of him and his administration, calling it “a big, fat, fishing expedition in search of a crime.”美国总统川普周二抨击民主党议员对他以及他的政府开展一场广泛的调查,称其为“为寻找犯罪而展开的一场大规模非法调查。”…