今天我们要学的词是 upswing. Upswing 是上扬的意思。网络安全专家预计,The risk of cyber attacks on the financial services industry is on the upswing in 2014. 金融服务工业2014年面临的网络空间袭击的风险会呈上扬走势。Illinois health officials are encouraging residents to get a flu shot as flu infections appear to be on the upswing. 流感病例出现上涨,伊利诺伊州卫生部门官员鼓励民众去注射流感疫苗。盖洛普最新民调显示,The number of Americans who self-identify as independents is on the upswing. 自认为自己是独立党派的美国人比例成上扬之势。好的,今天我们学习的词是 upswing, upswing, upswing…