今天我们要学的是dire.  Dire, 形容词,意思是可怕的,悲惨的。彭博商业周刊报道说,The Dean of UC Berkeley’s Business School made a dire forecast that half of the business schools in the U.S. could be gone by 2020. 加州大学伯克利分校商学院院长作出可怕预测,说到2020年可能美国一半的商学院都会关门。Displaced people in Somalia are facing a dire situation after the government launched another military operation against local militias. 索马里政府对当地民兵组织发起新一轮军事行动后,流离失所的索马里人处境悲惨。好的,今天我们学习的词是 dire, dire, dire…