
Dim 做为动词,意思是变暗。美国华盛顿州发生泥石流,造成多人死亡,Hope for survivors of  the landslide dims as the number of victims grows. 随着泥石流遇难者人数的增加,发现幸存者的希望也变得越来越渺茫。

Falling Chinese stock prices and losses in Alibaba’s IPO have dimmed the luster of Hong Kong’s stock market. 中国公司股票的下跌和痛失阿里巴巴在港上市使香港的股市黯然失色。

美国消费者信心指数升至六年最高点,然而,The upbeat outlook was somewhat dimmed by new home sales numbers which hit a five-month low. 新屋销售量出现五个月来最低水平,使消费者的乐观情绪多多少少受到了打击。

好的,今天我们学习的词是 dim,  dim,  dim…