今天我们要学的词是gridlock。Gridlock名词,意思是僵局、交通堵塞 。The office of former president Barack Obama continues to respond to wedding invitations – even though he’s left the White House. Apparently mail forwarding is one government function that has avoided Washington gridlock. 尽管前总统巴拉克·奥巴马已经离开白宫,他的办公室仍在继续回复人们的婚礼邀请。很显然,邮件转递服务是一个避开了华盛顿僵局的政府职能。 As the Aug. 21 solar eclipse approaches, South Carolina public safety officials urge traffic safety and brace for road gridlock. 随着8月21日日全食的临近,南卡罗来纳州公共安全官员敦促人们注意交通安全,并为道路堵塞做准备。好的,我们今天学习的词是gridlock, gridlock, gridlock…