今天我们要学的词是 loophole. Loophole 名词,漏洞。Experts say a loophole in the new U.S. tax law could allow multinational corporations to avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes on their overseas profits. 专家指出,美国新税法里的一大漏洞会让跨国大公司少交数十亿美元的海外盈利所得税。China has banned non-bank financial institutions from channeling funds into the property and infrastructure sectors, closing a major loophole for non-traditional financing.中国禁止非银行金融机构对房地产和基础设施部门投放资金,堵住了非传统融资的一个重要漏洞。好的,我们今天学习的词是loophole, loophole, loophole …