今天我们要学的词是 lodestar. Lodestar is spelled l-o-d-e-s-t-a-r, lodestar.

Lodestar是指指引航线的星斗,特别是北极星,引申下来也指帮助指明方向的领路人。这个词现在很少用,但在纽约时报最近一篇批评特朗普总统的匿名文章中出现,We may no longer have Senator McCain, but we will always have his example — a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue,我们不再有参议员麦凯恩了,但我们将永远有他做榜样,指引我们为公共服务和国家对话恢复荣誉。During a speech,former secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp described home-ownership as the “lodestar” of his era at HUD,美国住宅与都市发展部前部长杰克·坎普在一次演讲中说,房产拥有率是他主掌该部时期的政策“指南”。