今天我们要学的词是 luster.

luster 的意思是光泽、光辉、光彩。The U.S. still attracts record numbers of international students, but with high tuition cost and increased global competition, it is losing its luster for those who are looking to pursue higher education in the U.S.. 美国仍然吸引着创纪录的国际学生人数,但高昂的学费和全球竞争加剧,美国对那些想到这里高等学府深造的人正在失去光芒。

Americans’ love of driving is losing its luster as they spend more time driving to and from work than they get in vacation. 美国人正失去对驾驶汽车的热爱,因为他们开车上下班花的时间比度假时间还要多。