今天我们要学的词是 acrimonious.

acrimonious 的意思是尖刻的、充满火药味的。An acrimonious meeting of world leaders in Papua New Guinea failed to deliver a final communique, highlighting widening divisions between global powers China and the U.S.. 世界各国领导人在巴布亚新几内亚的充满火药味的会谈导致无法就联合公报最终达成一致,突显出中美两个全球大国之间日益扩大的分歧。

President Trump’s focus on birthright citizenship and illegal immigration has spawned an outpouring of often acrimonious debate across America. 特朗普总统对美国的出生公民权和非法移民的关注在美国各地引发了大量的激烈辩论。