今天我们要学的词是 concede.

concede 的意思是承认,认输。The Senate race in Florida came to a conclusion as Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson conceded after a hand recount gave Republican challenger Rick Scott a 10,000 vote lead. 美国佛罗里达州的参议员选举在重新手动计票后得出结果,现任民主党籍参议员比尔·尼尔森以一万票之差向共和党挑战者里克斯科特认输。

Democrat Stacey Abrams, the first African-American woman named as a gubernatorial candidate in Georgia by a major party, had said she would not concede until every vote was counted. 民主党人斯泰西艾布拉姆斯是第一位在乔治亚州得到一个主要政党提名为州长候选人的非裔女性,她表示不数完所有选票她不会承认失败