今天我们要学的词是 deluge.

deluge 来自法语,原意是洪水泛滥,引申出来是大量的、过多的。A larger-than-usual deluge of Democratic Party contenders eying the 2020 election is expected to hit the Midwestern state of Iowa within the coming year. 民主党内争夺2020年大选候选人资格的人数大大超过常规,预计他们明年将进军中西部的爱荷华州。

The Weather Channel markets its free app as the world’s most downloaded weather app, but it’s facing a deluge of legal trouble for data misuse. 天气频道的免费应用程序作为全球下载次数最多的天气应用在市场推出,但它面临着数据滥用的众多法律问题。