今天我们要学的词是 rebuke.

rebuke 的意思是严厉批评,斥责。 As NATO celebrates its 70th anniversary, US Vice President Mike Pence delivered a rebuke to Germany over its reduced defense spending and to Turkey for buying a major arms system from Russia. 在北约组织庆祝成立70周年之际,美国副总统彭斯对德国降低国防开支以及土耳其从俄罗斯购买一个主要武器系统进行了抨击。

China refuses to give up the “special and differential treatment” it enjoys as a developing country at theWTO, in a rebuke to a US proposal that would cut back its trade privileges. 中国拒绝放弃作为世贸组织发展中国家享有的“特殊和差别待遇”,谴责美国削减其贸易特权的提案。