今天我们要学的词是 impediment.

impediment 的意思是障碍,阻碍。 The World Health Organization says insecurity and community mistrust in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s conflict-ridden region are major impediments to international efforts to bring the Ebola outbreak under control. 世界卫生组织表示,刚果民主共和国冲突地区的安全不保和社区缺乏信任阻碍了国际社会为控制埃博拉疫情所做的努力。

Those who are critical of the U.S. Electoral College system usually argue that it is an impediment to pure principles of “one man, one vote.” 对美国选举人制度提出批评的人通常认为,这一制度是绝对“一人一票”原则的障碍。