今天我们要学的词是 redact.

Redact 是指在报告公开之前编篡、编辑,特指隐去某些不该公开的信息。The Justice Department said that it plans to release a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on alleged Russian collusion related to the 2016 Trump campaign. 美国司法部表示将公布特别特别检察官穆勒调查报告的编辑版本,该调查是针对2016年大选期间有关特朗普团队与俄罗斯相通的指控。

Attorney General William Barr has been working with special counsel Mueller on the report redactions to protect grand jury testimony, ongoing investigations, and damaging information about people who were not ultimately charged with a crime. 司法部长巴尔一直与特别检察官穆勒一起对报告进行编辑,以保护大陪审团的证词、正在进行的调查以及对最终未受到犯罪指控的人的不利信息。