今天我们要学的词是 rebuff.

rebuff 可以用作名词或动词,意思是断然拒绝,回绝。 Russia has rebuffed calls from U.S. President Donald Trump to remove all military personnel from Venezuela, saying that they had sent their specialists as part of a military cooperation deal. 俄罗斯断然拒绝了美国总统特朗普呼吁其从委内瑞拉撤出全部军事人员的要求,称他们向那里派遣专家是军事合作协议的一部分。

British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to meet European national leaders to request a Brexit extension following the parliamentary rebuff of her EU withdrawal deal. 英国首相特蕾莎·梅在议会拒绝脱欧协议后计划与欧洲国家领导人会面,提出脱欧延期的要求