今天我们要学的词是 extortion.

Extortion 的意思是敲诈、勒索。 The United States says the world should not yield to nuclear extortion by Iran after Tehran announced that its uranium production is expected to breach the limit set by a 2015 international deal. 美国表示,在德黑兰宣布其铀产量预计将超出2015年国际核协议规定的限制后,国际社会不应屈服于伊朗的核敲诈。

Extortion 是一个常用的法律术语。Extortion and robbery seem similar, but the difference between the two is that extortion requires the perpetrator to make a threat verbally, or in writing, robbery does not. 敲诈勒索案和抢劫案似乎相似,但两者之间的区别在于勒索案必须有肇事者在口头或者书面上提出威胁,抢劫案则没有。