今天我们要学的词是 consummate.

Consummate 用作动词的意思是完成。 The Mexican government is cracking down on Central American immigrants to consummate a deal with the US to stop tariffs on Mexican goods in exchange for Mexican cooperation on curbing immigrants. 墨西哥政府正在打击来自中美洲的移民,以完成与美国达成的协议,即美国以停止对墨西哥货物征收关税来换取墨西哥在遏制移民方面的合作。

Consummate 也可用作形容词,意思是完善的、完美的。That Leonardo da Vinci was an artistic and scientific genius is indisputable, but getting a handle on this consummate master of the arts is difficult. 达芬奇是一位艺术和科学天才,这是无可争辩的,但要理解他在艺术上的精湛技艺并不容易。