今天我们要学的词是 sideline.

sideline 的意思是利用间隙,搁置。 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is not ruling out working-level talks with North Korean officials on the sidelines of ASEAN regional meetings in Thailand this week. 美国国务卿蓬佩奥没有排除在泰国参加东盟会议期间与朝鲜官员进行工作层面会谈的可能性。

Trade talks between the United States and China resumed this week after being sidelined in May, but ended with no conclusion while a long list of big issues still remain. 美中恢复了今年5月被搁置的贸易谈判,但谈判没有结果,仍有一长串重大问题留待解决。