今天我们要学的词是 recoup.

recoup 的意思是补偿,收回。In a speech delivered to a summit in Lima, Peru, the U.S. National Security Advisor told Russia and China that the quickest way to recoup their financial losses is to support a new government in Venezuela. 在秘鲁利马举行的峰会上,美国国家安全顾问向俄罗斯和中国表示,挽回经济损失的最快方法是支持委内瑞拉的新政府。

American stock indexes recouped losses from Monday’s rout as it appeared the currency dispute between the U.S. and China would not worsen. 随着美中之间的货币争端看起来不会继续恶化,美国股指自周一暴跌后收复了损失。