今天我们要学的词是 contravene.

contravene 的意思是违反、违背。 Canada’s top ethics watchdog ruled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his officials had contravened conflict of interest rules by trying to influence a corporate legal case. 加拿大最高道德监管机构裁定特鲁多总理及其官员因试图对一个公司的法律案件施加影响,从而违反了利益冲突规定。

the Sierra Leone government said 20 public officials who may have contravened the Public Administration Management Act were referred to authorities for investigation and possible prosecution. 塞拉利昂政府表示,20名可能违反“公共行政管理法”的公职人员被转交当局进行调查,并有可能受到起诉。