今天我们要学的词是 espouse.

espouse 是信奉、拥护的意思。 President Trump’s comments on Crowdstrike in his conversation with the Ukrainian President appears to be referencing a theory espoused by the conservatives that the cyber-security company’s work is biased in favor of the Democrats. 特朗普总统在与乌克兰总统的通话中提到 Crowdstrike,似乎是指保守派人士支持的一个理论,就是这个网络安全公司的工作是偏袒民主党人的。

A majority of the Democratic presidential candidates espouse the belief that people who enter the U.S. illegally should not only be allowed to stay, but that they should be given free healthcare. 民主党总统参选人中大多数都支持这样一种信念,即不仅应该允许非法进入美国的人留下来,而且应该给他们提供免费的医疗保健。