今天我们要学的词是 burgeoning.

burgeoning 的意思是新兴的,迅速发展的。 Rabbit meat is a slowly growing part of Africa’s diet, with a burgeoning industry in South Africa and Nigeria that promotes the meat as cheap, healthy and environmentally friendly. 兔肉正慢慢成为非洲人饮食的一部分,南非和尼日利亚的新兴产业将兔肉作为廉价、健康和有利于环境的肉食进行推广。

In the burgeoning underworld of online fraud, dozens of scammers from Nigeria and other countries stole millions of dollars from U.S. businesses and individuals. 在迅速发展的网络欺诈黑社会中,来自尼日利亚和其他国家的数十名骗子从美国企业和个人那里窃取了数百万美元。