今天我们要学的词是 abruptly.

abruptly 的意思是突然地,出乎意外地。 Former Bolivian President Evo Morales requested asylum in Mexico hours after he abruptly resigned from office in the wake of mass protests over last month’s disputed election. 玻利维亚前总统莫拉莱斯在上个月有争议的选举引发大规模抗议后突然辞职,几个小时后他就来到墨西哥寻求庇护。

Temperatures abruptly dropped to freezing catching many New England residents off guard this week when they scrambled to get their house heating systems started and running. 这个星期突然降温的严寒天气让新英格兰地区的许多居民措手不及,急忙启动了住房供暖系统。