今天我们要学的词是 tarnish.

tarnish 的原意是发乌,失去光泽,引申出来是玷污、污蔑的意思。 Football in Ghana, as in most of Africa, is the most loved sport. But it has been tarnished by widespread corruption that led to league game suspensions and some football clubs closing their doors. 与非洲大部分地区一样,足球在加纳是最受欢迎的运动。但是,腐败泛滥导致联赛停止和一些足球俱乐部关门,让足球运动蒙羞。

President Trump’s supporters say the House impeachment probe is to tarnish his administration ahead of an Inspector General’s report so that whatever comes out is met with suspicion. 特朗普总统的支持者表示,众议院的弹劾调查是为了在一项监察长的报告发布之前抹黑他的政府,让人们对监察报告的内容生疑。