今天我们要学的词是 fabricate。

fabricate 的意思是编造、捏造。U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley has formally requested updates from the Department of Justice on four criminal referrals submitted last year of individuals who fabricated allegations against then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh. 美国参议员格拉斯利已正式要求司法部提供有关去年提交的对4人刑事转介的最新进展,其中涉及对当时的卡瓦诺法官的指控。

After the news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been indicted on corruption charges, his opponents called for his resignation while his supporters believe the charges are fabricated. 在以色列总理内塔尼亚胡被控犯有腐败罪之后,他的反对者要求他辞职,而他的支持者则认为这些指控是捏造的。