今天我们要学的词是 dominate.

dominate 的意思是支配的,占主导地位的。Britain’s political leaders are making a final push for votes ahead of Thursday’s general election – which has been dominated by Britain’s exit from the European Union. 英国政治领导人正在周四大选之前为争取选票做出最后努力,这次大选的主导议题为英国脱欧问题。

According to a recent report by the Institute of International Education, the number of foreign students at U.S. colleges hit an all-time high of close to 1.1 million, with Chinese students dominating at 34 percent. 根据国际教育学院最近的一份报告,美国大学的外国学生人数达到了创纪录的将近110万人,其中以中国学生为主导,占34%。