今天我们要学的词是 disproportionate.

Disproportionate 的意思是不成比例的。North Koreans with disabilities may face disproportionate risk due to the sanctions meant to curtail the country’s nuclear weapons program, which may force some NGOs to abandon their programs all-together. 由于为限制朝鲜核武器计划而实施的制裁可能导致一些非政府组织全面放弃他们的项目,朝鲜的残疾人面临的风险可能格外大。

Sweden’s unemployment is among the highest in EU countries, some attribute it to the disproportionately large influx of people who do not have the educational or language skills to work in the Swedish economy. 瑞典是是欧盟国家中失业率最高的国家之一,有些人把这归咎于过量的外来人口没有教育和语言技能,无法在瑞典工作。