今天我们要学的词是 vet.

vet 用作动词的时候是指仔细审查、检查。 Voting-machine vendors could be at risk of using insecure components from overseas suppliers, which generally are difficult to vet and monitor, said a recent report by a U.S. supply-chain monitoring company. 美国一个供应链观察公司最近发布告称,选票机厂商使用海外供应商的不安全组件具有风险,这些供应商通常很难审核和监控。

The Office of Congressional Ethics, a non-partisan, independent entity, vets, investigates and funnels recommendations for investigations to the House Ethics Committee. 美国的国会道德操守办公室是一个无党派的独立实体,负责审查、调查并向众议院道德操守委员会提供调查建议。