今天我们要学的词是 veto. Veto 做为动词,是否决的意思。Environmental advocates are urging New York’s governor to veto a bill that could expand development along the New York City river front. 环保人士敦促纽约州长否决一项可能会扩大开发纽约市河滨地区的议案。The Republican-controlled House approved legislation to speed up the permit process for oil and natural gas drilling despite veto threats from the White House. 尽管白宫威胁说,奥巴马可能会行使否决权,共和党人控制下的国会众议院还是通过议案,加快石油、天然气开采许可的批准过程。 好的,今天我们学习的词是 veto, veto, veto…