今天我们要学的词是 cabin fever. Cabin fever 幽居症,指长时间待在一个闭塞的地方而引发的烦躁和焦虑。Historians believe the term cabin fever was coined when early European settlers in America had to stay inside log cabins during the long harsh winters with little to do. 历史学家认为,这个字眼最早的出现,是因为美洲早期移民严冬被困在小木屋里无所事事。Countless Americans are battling cabin fever as the cold and snowy winter drags on. 寒冷多雪的冬季看不到尽头,无数美国人都在努力摆脱长时间待在室内而产生的烦躁情绪。好的,今天我们学习的词是 cabin fever, cabin fever, cabin fever…