今天我们要学的词是 public transit. Public transit 是公共交通的意思。纽约人喜欢坐公交。The portion of New York City commuters who use public transit has risen from 51 percent in 2000 to 55 percent . 纽约市上班族乘公交的比例已经从2000年的51%增加到了55%。最近有研究显示,一个城市公交系统的好坏能决定这个城市对二三十岁年轻人的吸引力。 More than half of all respondents said they would consider moving to another city if it offers a better public transit system. 半数以上的受访者都表示,会考虑搬到一个公交系统更便利的城市去。好的,今天我们学习的词是 public transit, public transit, public transit…