今天我们要学的词是 tax break. Tax break 意思是减税优惠。District of Columbia lawmakers are considering to give first responders a big tax break if they live in the city. 华盛顿特区的立法人员正在考虑让住在特区的一线救援人员享受大额减税优惠。Warren Buffet said his company could get a tax break of over $9 billion just on its stock holdings of other companies if President Trump’s proposed corporate tax cut becomes law. 巴菲特说,如果川普总统的公司减税议案成为法律,自己公司光是因为在其他公司的持股就能享受90多亿美元的减税优惠。好的,我们今天学习的词是 tax break, tax break, tax break…