今天我们要学的词是impoverished。Impoverished形容词,意思是贫困的、枯竭的 。North Korea, desperate for foreign currency, has sent tens of thousands of its impoverished citizens to cities and towns across Russia to work at construction sites. 迫切需要外汇的朝鲜派遣了成千上万名贫困潦倒的本国公民到俄罗斯各地城镇,在建筑工地务工。The two Yemeni military sources said many newly-recruited pro-government soldiers were injured in the latest car bomb attack in the impoverished Arab country. 两名也门军队的知情人员表示,这个贫困阿拉伯国家最近一次发生的汽车炸弹袭击,导致许多新招的支持政府的士兵受伤。好的,我们今天学习的词是impoverished, impoverished, impoverished…