今天我们要学的词是retaliate。Retaliate动词,意思是报复、以牙还牙 。The Trump administration ordered Russia to close its consulate in San Francisco and two diplomatic annexes, retaliating against Russia’s order that the US reduce its embassy staff in Moscow by 755 people. 川普政府下令俄罗斯关闭驻旧金山领事馆以及两处外交附属机构,报复俄罗斯下令美国将其在莫斯科的大使馆工作人员减少755人一事。The Russian Foreign Minister warned that Moscow may retaliate against the US order closing the Russian consulate in San Francisco. 俄罗斯外交部长警告称,莫斯科方面可能会就美国要求关闭俄罗斯驻旧金山领事馆一事以牙还牙。好的,我们今天学习的词是retaliate, retaliate, retaliate…