今天我们要学的词组是ratchet up。Ratchet up,意思是激化、加剧 。North Korea’s foreign minister ratcheted up tensions, saying his country had the right to shoot down U.S. planes even outside North Korean airspace. 朝鲜外交部长加剧了紧张关系,称他的国家有权利击落美国飞机,即使是在朝鲜领空之外。Turkey announced that it had finalized a multibillion-dollar purchase of Russia’s most sophisticated surface-to-air-missile system, which has ratcheted up tensions with the NATO military alliance to a new level. 土耳其宣布,已经完成了一笔数十亿美元的交易,购买俄罗斯最尖端的地对空导弹系统,这使其与北约军事联盟的紧张关系进一步激化。好的,我们今天学习的词组是ratchet up, ratchet up, ratchet up…