今天我们要学的词是 lone wolf. Lone wolf 孤狼,指独来独往的人,单独行动的人。A new report argues that the term “lone wolf terrorist” can be counterproductive in the fight against terror because radicalization rarely happens in a vacuum. 一份最新报告认为,使用“孤狼恐怖分子”一词对反恐可能会适得其反,因为激进化的过程很少是在真空状态下发生的。A New Jersey congressman introduced a bill that requires background checks for all rental vehicles in order to prevent “lone wolf” attacks using rental cars. 新泽西州一位众议员提出议案,要求对租车的人进行背景调查,防止发生使用租来的车辆制造“孤狼“袭击事件。好的,我们今天学习的词是lone wolf, lone wolf, lone wolf …