今天我们要学的词是witness. Witness 目击者。British police said that 200 witnesses have been identified in their investigation into a nerve agent attack on a Russian ex-spy and his daughter. 英国警方说,他们在调查前俄罗斯间谍及其女儿遭受神经毒剂袭击的案件中,已经找到了200名目击者。Appeals judges at the International Criminal Court upheld most of the convictions of a former Congolese vice president for interfering with witnesses during his war crimes trial. 国际刑事法庭上诉法官宣布,对前刚果一名副总统战争罪审判过程中干扰目击者的指控的大多数定罪维持原判。好的,我们今天学习的词是witness, witness, witness …