今天我们要学的词是 perception.

Perception的意思是看法、认识,认知,The events of Sept. 11 permanently changed America’s perception of security and prompted then-President George W. Bush to declare war on terrorism and invade Afghanistan,9-11事件永久改变了美国人对国家安全的看法,促使时任总统小布什向恐怖主义宣战并入侵阿富汗。According to a recent survey, there are stark differences between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the perception of the media’s fairness, its watchdog role and trust toward the media, 根据最近的一项调查,共和党人和民主党人之间对媒体是否公平,其所起到的监督作用以及是否值得信任等方面的看法存在明显差异。