今天我们要学的词是 impasse.

Impasse的意思是僵局,The United States has imposed sanctions on two North Korean-controlled IT companies amid an impasse between the two countries over the pace of North Korea’s dismantling of its nuclear weapons program,在美国和朝鲜就其解除核武计划的速度问题上陷入僵局之际,美国对两家朝鲜控制的信息技术公司实施了制裁。Diplomatic impasses in the Horn of Africa continue to be resolved with the announcement recently that Eritrea and Djibouti will normalize relations, 随着厄立特里亚和吉布提最近宣布双方关系将正常化,非洲之角地区仍在努力解决外交僵局。