今天我们学习的词是 corroborate.

Corroborate 是证实、支持某一种说法、理论、结果。The FBI investigation did not find any evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh, now the newest member of the Supreme Court. 美国联邦调查局的调查没有找出任何证据,证实对现在已经成为最高法院大法官的卡瓦诺有过性侵或不当行为的指控。Apple and Amazon denied reports that Chinese agents had been spying on them by placing chips in their devices, saying they had found no evidence to corroborate the finding. 美国大公司苹果和亚马逊否认有关中国特工通过在其设备中放置芯片来监视他们的报道,称没有找到任何支持这一发现的证据。