今天我们要学的词是 impartial。

Impartial 是公正、不偏不倚,After a bruising confirmation process in the Senate that bitterly divided the nation, Brett Kavanaugh became the newest US Supreme Court Justice and pledged to be ‘Independent and Impartial’ ,在一场饱受伤害的参议院确认之争撕裂美国社会之际,卡瓦诺成为美国最高法院的新成员,承诺他将“独立、秉公执法”。The U.S. drafted a UN resolution to establish a new independent and impartial investigative body to determine responsibility for Syrian chemical attacks. 美国起草了一项联合国决议,要求成立一个新的独立和公正的调查机构来确定叙利亚化武袭击的责任方。