今天我们要学的词是 tight-knit.

tight-knit 的意思是联系密切的、亲密的。

The tight-knit Jewish community in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is learning how to deal with hate crimes while coping with their grief after the synagogue shooting. 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡这个邻里关系密切的犹太社区在发生犹太教堂枪杀事件后,在悲痛中学习如何应对仇恨犯罪。

Women serving on Japan’s biggest warship, the Kaga, are a tight-knit group on the front line of a push to transform the Japanese navy into a mixed-gender fighting force. 在日本最大战舰加贺号上服役的女性是一个紧密团结的团队,身先士卒地推动将日本海军变为男女混合编制的战斗部队