今天我们要学的词是 defuse.

defuse 的原意是拆除雷管,引申出来就是化解,化险为夷。 French President Macron’s plan to defuse antigovernment protests with tax cuts is set to blow out French deficit, risks bending European Union rules on budget discipline. 法国总统马克龙希望通过减税来化解反政府抗议的计划将使得法国赤字大增,带来违反欧盟预算规定的风险。

A top IMF official suggested that flexible intellectual property and opening up more to foreign investment will help China defuse its trade tensions and enhance its economic stability. 国际货币基金组织一位高级官员表示,灵活的知识产权和开放对外投资将有助于中国化解贸易紧张局势,增强经济稳定。