今天我们要学的词是 outbreak.

outbreak 的意思是爆发、突发,特别是指疾病、骚乱、战争等不好的事情。U.S. regulators are investigating and issuing advice about a rising number of food-related outbreaks, thanks to new technologies that have made it easier to link individual illnesses and determine their source. 美国监管机构对与食品相关的突发问题进行的调查和发布的建议越来越多,这要归功于新技术更容易地将单独病例联系起来并确定病源。

French authorities deployed tens of thousands of police to p revent outbreaks of violence during the “yellow vest” protests. 法国当局在“黄背心”抗议活动期间部署了数万名警察,以防止突发性暴力事件。