今天我们要学的词是 arcade.

Arcade 的原意是拱廊,常指带拱廊通道的商业街,也专指付费打游戏机的店面。 As teachers in the U.S. are increasingly using apps, websites and software that borrow elements from video games to connect with students, classrooms are starting to resemble arcades. 随着美国的教师们越来越多地使用借用很多电子游戏元素的应用程序、网站和软件与学生们互动,教室开始变得像游戏机店。

Video arcades have been fading from the cultural landscape, but there are a few defying the odds because young people still need a place to come together. 电动游戏机店已逐渐从文化景观中消失,但有一些店面逆向生存,因为年轻人仍然需要一个聚会的地方。