今天我们要学的词是 clandestine.

Clandestine 的意思是隐秘的、秘密的。 United Nations experts are investigating possible violations of UN sanctions against North Korea in about 20 countries, from alleged clandestine nuclear procurement to arms brokering in Syria. 联合国专家正在调查大约20个国家可能做出的违反联合国对朝鲜制裁的行为,包括涉嫌秘密进行的核采购以及与叙利亚的军火交易。

U.S. defense officials warn that the ISIS’ goal is to preserve the group’s capabilities as it completes a transition from an almost traditional army to a clandestine insurgency. 美国国防官员警告说,伊斯兰国的目标是保存力量,将一只近乎传统的军队转变为秘密反叛武装 。