今天我们要学的词是 protégé.

protégé 来自法语,意思是门徒、门生。 A regional bloc of Latin American countries once called on Maduro, a protégé of the late Hugo Chavez, not to take office following Venezuela’s election that was considered a sham. 一个拉丁美洲国家区域组织曾经呼吁委内瑞拉已故总统查韦斯的门徒马杜罗,在被认为是一场欺骗的选举中当选后不要上任。

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir won the election over his former protege, Najib, after a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal at Najib’s state investment fund 1MDB. 马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔在大选中战胜他以前的门徒纳吉布,之前纳吉布国家投资基金1MDB发生了数十亿美元的腐败丑闻。