今天我们要学的词是 stride.

Stride 作为动词是迈步的意思,但常常用作名词,意思是进步。The U.S. has made impressive strides in the 5G global race thanks to the commitment of the Trump administration and smart policies that unlocked the power of free-market competition. 在特朗普政府的承诺以及放开自由市场竞争的明智政策下,美国在全球5G竞争中取得了令人瞩目的进步。

While there have been great strides made in the gay rights movement over the past 50 years, many acknowledge there’s still much work to be done for the community. 尽管过去50年来,为同性恋者争取权益的运动取得了很大进展,但许多人承认,对于同性恋社区仍有许多工作要做。